Badging Options

There are two (2) types of standard badges available. These can be supplied by the client or ordered and delivered via Eventscase.

Badge orders need to be 100% confirmed one month prior to the start of the event.

We can offer “Recyclable” or “Anti Tear” paper types.

All badge paper types MUST be compatible with thermal printing. Failure to supply this type of thermal printing paper will mean we are unable to print details onto the badge directly.

These styles of badges that feed directly into the printer are known as FANFOLD. They are a continuous length of badges that feed into the printer and are perforated for easy removal once printed.

For all double-sided badges, you will need to supply the copy for the front and back accordingly.

Badge sizes


The badge roll will be pre-printed with the client's design (the design cost is included in the price).

The badge roll will constantly feed the printer, creating a continuous printing flow. The printer will print the attendee data on the badge (usually first name, last name, company, role and QR code) in black & white.

Fonts used for printing:

  • Name: HelveticaNeue-Medium 45

  • Job Title: HelveticaNeue-Light 30

  • Company: HelveticaNeue-Light 30

Print speed:

Less than 1 second per badge


  • The client must provide the design following the draft format provided by Eventscase.

  • Fee per badge: (Includes badge design, ink and paper) + 10-20% of badges for testing, additional attendees, etc. It will vary depending on the amount and quality.

  • Additional support package needs to be included to cover training and other miscellaneous processes.

  • Management of supplies should be agreed beforehand. Depends on the badges configuration (brand, colour, etc.).

This format only needs a lanyard (not included) so that the attendee can hang the badge.

Template Example for 4 x 6 Badge:

4 x 6 Badge Layouts (Direct Thermal Printing)

Badge Basic Details

(Name / QR)

Basic info that can be used with Kiosk / Check In / Lead Retrieval

Badge Stacked Standard Information

(Name / Job Title / Company / QR)

Stacked design to use up the available space. Depending on the length of Job Titles or Company, the size of the font may need adjusting.

Template Example for 4 x 12 Badges

Sample templates for 4 x 12 badges. We would need a front and a back part. You can duplicate the badge so that it is identical front and back or for it to have different designs. The consideration is to leave space for the Attendee details.

Design number: C81-201147

Design number: C81

Badge Layouts for 4 x 12 (Direct Thermal Printing)

One Sided Standard Details

(Name / Job Title / Company / Delegate Category)

Double Sided Standard Details

(Name / Job Title / Company / Delegate Category)

Not recommended for Kiosk / Check In / Lead Retrieval type events.

Last updated