Event App

The idea of this user journey is to assist you in getting your event app up and running in the most efficient way possible by means of a step by step checklist. Here are our recommendations.


1. Create Developer Accounts

The first thing you have to do is register yourself, your company or your client (if you are an agency) with iOS (Apple) and Android (Google). Without developer accounts, we will not be able to process your event app. Don’t delay on this step as setting up the developer accounts is normally the longest part of the event app process!

2. Bind your Developer Account with EventsCase

Once your developer account has been approved, please bind your account with EventsCase. This will allow us to action the relevant build and release procedures within your developer account on your behalf.

3. Inform your Project Manager (if assigned)

Let your Project Manager know you have completed the binding process so that your developer account can be recorded against your EventsCase account and the apps team can channel any questions via your PM.

4. Create an Event

Your event app needs to be allocated to an event, so prior to making a request, you will need to create an event on your EventsCase platform.

5. Activate the Event App Product

The event app is a chargeable product. You will need to have a licence associated with your EventsCase platform (your Account or Project Manager will do this). Once the licence has been issued, simply click on the event app product and activate it.

6. Request an Event App

Select the My Apps option on the main sidebar menu of the platform. You will see two options Request One Event App and Request Multi Event App. Select whichever one was included within your sales agreement.

7. Complete the Request App Form

The request form for single or multi-event apps is the same, but if you are requesting a multi-event app you need to consider your branding. If you brand it in relation to one particular event, then you add different events in the future, your branding may not be suitable or relevant.

8. Inform your Project Manager (if assigned)

If you have an assigned Project Manager, let them know you are making a request as they will need to create an internal ticket to inform the app development team about timelines and criteria surrounding the app configuration.

9. Configure your App

To allow us to upload your event app for approval, it must have content inside it. A blank app will not be approved by iOS or Android. Using the interactive mobile display, add banners and sponsor logos, select and arrange your modules and the icons that represent them.

10. Add Dynamic Content

Depending on your module selection, you may need to upload basic event data (speakers, sponsors, agenda, etc.) via the CONTENT tab. You can always modify these contents at a later stage.

11. Download your App

Once your event app has been approved, the download links will be added to your platform. Depending on your settings, you may need to add yourself as an attendee of your event. Download your app onto your device and using the same details with which you registered, log in to your app.

12. Testing is Key

Check your app for visuals and behaviour. Test privacy settings to ensure that the correct content is or isn’t visible. Send private messages and push notifications. Make sure the favouriting option is highlighting selections and that, if added, you are able to view session, sponsor, speaker and exhibitor information clearly.

13. Playing Virtual Sessions

If you have virtual sessions, test the Play buttons and check if app users are being taken to the correct session page.

14. Preparing your App for Release

Once you are happy with the appearance and functionality of your app. You’re good for release. Add the download links to your email communications and website. Using your preferred QR generator, you can change the links to a scannable QR for easy downloading. Remind your users that to access the app they will need to use the same login credentials they have created or received (if you manually uploaded the attendee list).

15. Get their Attention

Once released, consider sending further communications about the benefit of the app, such as the latest news, last-minute changes, keeping in touch with the traffic situation (via push notifications) and most importantly, engaging with other attendees.

During the Event

Engage with your attendees, send a few push notifications about upcoming sessions or some type of good news that you can circulate. Chances are if you give them a little nudge to look at the app, they’ll start exploring further.


1. Check out app analytics

Within the Dashboard of the event app product, you will be able to see the number of downloads, opens and other pertinent information related to app usage. Within the analytics section, you can see the most opened, most favourited, and top rated modules of the app.

2. Add the post-event survey to the app menu

One of the easiest ways to get audience feedback is through the post-event survey which you can easily add to the app menu. Choose Post Survey from the list of internal modules and announce to your attendees its availability via email or push notifications.

Best Practices

  • Invest in good design. If you do not have a dedicated design team, ask a graphic designer to create the required graphics. Well-designed apps tend to attract more users.

  • Make sure that your developer accounts are ready well in advance of the event date. This leads to a faster and smoother app development process.

  • Support app usage by sending an email of all the benefits of using the event app as well as full instructions on how to access it prior to the event date.

  • Encourage attendee networking by letting attendees know that they can send chat messages, send meeting requests and interact with one another through the Feed. Lead retrieval also allows app users to simply scan each other’s QR code to exchange contact information.

  • If it’s within your budget, try out gamification options from EventsCase since they lead to better attendee engagement on the day of your event.

  • Add live polling or Q&A to the event app via Slido or any other similar provider since this would allow your attendees to interact with the speakers on the day of the event.

  • For physical events, add a map of your venue so attendees can easily navigate their way around.

  • If you have sponsors, you may monetise the event app by using sponsor banners.

  • Let attendees know that they can still use the app after your event has ended. It will technically expire once your contract with EventsCase ends or until you pull it out from the app stores.

Last updated

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